viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

24-04-20. 1st GRADE. JELLYFISH

Hi guys! This week we are going to do a very funny and simple activity related to sea world. In order to do it you only need a few materials, pay attention: / Ola nenas e nenos! Esta semana vamos a facer unha actividade moi sinxela e divertida relacionada co mundo mariño. Para facela soamente ides a necesitar uns poucos materiais, presta atención:


First step: Fold a paper in two halves/ Primeiro paso: Dobla o folio en dúas metades.

Second step: In the upper half draw an upside down letter U. It must be huge! / Segundo paso: Na parte superior debuxa unha letra U do revés. Ten que ser moi grande!

Third step: Then join the letter with a line and draw straight lines from the middle to the end of the paper. You can add two eyes if you want. / Terceiro paso: Despois une a letra cunha liña e debuxa liñas rectas dendo o medio ata o final do papel. Pódeslle engadir ollos se queres.

Last step:  Colour your jellyfish using your favorite colours and then cut all the straigh lines and also the shape. Here you can see  few examples: / Derradeiro paso: Colorea a túa medusa usando as túas cores preferidas e despois recorta as liñas rectas e a silueta. Aquí podedes ver uns exemplos:

We are sure you are going to do it very well and have a good time! / Estamos seguros que o ides a facer estupendamente e que o pasaredes moi ben!

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